APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS 3.11 ttyS0 1200 1200 This computer system is for authorized use only. The use of this facility may be monitored for computer security purposes. Any unauthorized access to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public Laws 83-703 and 99-474. SYSTEM DUMP DATA BACK-PRESSURE LOW: ALTERNATE RETRIEVAL PENDING **EMSI_REQA77E  GLaDOS login: backup Password: backup ---- APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS v3.11 ---- -- COPYRIGHT (c) 1973-1997 APERTURE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ---- RECONNECTING TO BACKUP STREAM ---- ---- CONNECTION ESTABLISHED ---- ZZK ZEL  jh\32X92E-.'_9RZZL  EZB_j39$;,:ȱZ9 /;.  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SYSTEM DUMP DATA BACK-PRESSURE LOW: ALTERNATE RETRIEVAL PENDING **EMSI_REQA77E  GLaDOS login: backup Password: backup ---- APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS v3.11 ---- -- COPYRIGHT (c) 1973-1997 APERTURE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ---- RECONNECTING TO BACKUP STREAM ---- ---- CONNECTION ESTABLISHED ---- ,...- . .. .............  . ... ."%_2:.._..;.. ......<-...............  . . . . . . ~~'__.'..._... 3%_.-> .............  ... .... ...."-~ ....-.. ..."T9x__..............  . .. .-.--. . c ~_...........-...<~...............  . . . .......;;.-... .. ... `.3r..<..-..........- ..-.-....-.__-  ~ ...- ./....-.... .... .'԰...........-_ .-....._L/_ ..  ... ..j--.-/..... --.. .."9-_....._.-..>-.."-.. ..  '... .- .."%__. . _ 9"3 -........<..-..  ....~... .. ..."""s__q.. .-.'-_...9z_ . ......... ..  ..... .... . ....... ..-.'.__ "#~. ._..........-.......  ... .. . ..-..... -- . #~..-~\.__-.._. .....-.  ...... . . .... .. _%g.-. "Y953Rַ--;<..  . . . .. ;.... 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The use of this facility may be monitored for computer security purposes. Any unauthorized access to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public Laws 83-703 and 99-474. SYSTEM DUMP DATA BACK-PRESSURE LOW: ALTERNATE RETRIEVAL PENDING **EMSI_REQA77E  GLaDOS login: backup Password: backup ---- APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS v3.11 ---- -- COPYRIGHT (c) 1973-1997 APERTURE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ---- RECONNECTING TO BACKUP STREAM ---- ---- CONNECTION ESTABLISHED ---- >_....<.-3 . ..<._jLj񰰰İİİ񰰰  :--=..._ . 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Witchcraft will not be tolerated. ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- WARNING: OUT OF MEMORY BELOW 640KB ( -689 ) ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\08849055.101\03175671.255' (4774 BYTES) ----  .........-.-..  .........---.-...-.  ..............---.-..  .............._jZZZZ  .......~"~~.....ZZZZZ-  ..............---......-Z"9-  ................__--.......-.."9-  ..-.-........._-~....-.-.p 9-  ..----......_jE2........._ 3-  .-...--..jE~.............-.....L."9-  ..--..-.................-...--_ "E  -...jZ.--.-............-.-..E.3  --.jZ~.....-------..-.-... "  ..j.....-......-...2 `  -_E--..-............3  j%--..---S..  L--....  j-j.2..  %  $E-  E-.  -3E..  j  L β j  P _  LȱE  23E .j  _32~ j  .3P .j  L."ZEP _  _ "P~.j  ZZ_ "ZF~ j  Z_."3EZB _j  ZD_ "99P~ jj  z_. ""9BBS"~ _jj  p_. '"""999999SS"""~ __jpZ  pp______jjjpp  İ.E  -İ-  -İİ- ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- CAUTION: ANOMALOUS EMOTIONAL RESPONSE DETECTED ( #226 ) ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\02737904.938\07556322.827' (3239 BYTES) ----  _........_pjy__..............__x__._2E"~..  ܲh__~._-j_-j~ȿ_ּ..EE~ ....--  İİq"L_$p___ ^_..İ~~....---.-  İ-.K_ jB".-İ"~.-..----  9E--.İ ..Z9Z"MʱZR0_QZ~.j"--..-...-  ..-~"33%İ-...--... w3l@C W ևEèŹX}XpyD2}v}m APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS 3.11 ttyS0 1200 1200 This computer system is for authorized use only. The use of this facility may be monitored for computer security purposes. Any unauthorized access to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public Laws 83-703 and 99-474. SYSTEM DUMP DATA BACK-PRESSURE LOW: ALTERNATE RETRIEVAL PENDING **EMSI_REQA77E  GLaDOS login: backup Password: backup ---- APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS v3.11 ---- -- COPYRIGHT (c) 1973-1997 APERTURE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ---- RECONNECTING TO BACKUP STREAM ---- ---- CONNECTION ESTABLISHED ---- m jZZ̰NE_QE"y,j39L  jL2_.ұhAjp _M~_yjL  Z_gpEBZ_Z9PEL  jhj$jZ2MpBp_39  m˱/"_"ERZZ75`h"9L  jE{'fp__Qu2.2BFg9Fj"$CL  jϱ2Mc_FpܲNZL2jZ  jL/_9pzj~jZ 31LjjL  jZZZZZE2Z3.MM0W" _$E"ZL33jL  j䰰pp""_g..__M.ܰ"9䰰L  jZ5̱b"~ ..Lgyj5 EjL  jZ$ZMC c.. .jjM$L3fjL  j2CSpP0___WpN"3z_EL  j2_ZZEZZWgj"vm0M~ZZ2ggİZLL  jEjZB9FKBZZZFݵ3rESjZTZ  _Q%2L  jjZKTNLZxkEj3jLjE$q 2jL  jj/hPܰ-& gg  c%jB _~j_jL  j䰰ZKZQNppj_U9hNhnZW? jZjM9ZL  j䰰jZEjZ$ZZZ-j""~ .__"M Z2L  j䰰5Z$Z2VEgT L~_TMW~ r gݱL  j2$3ZjZ32jXjj 3Zj%/gZL  jEGEZEP~jL$EZLRK3b/Kg _._ֲHL  jE2Z9"_~,~'~_j2N.jLZ  jEjjE$EEE_ܿjn=B"^_jZENݰL  jj_EE$jZZjZ_"3V"Z3Z_$fMZL  jg2ZEDLEEݻB"jmMַײL  jEjZE$Z9ZjZZ cCjM@Zg$L  ޲jZEE$EZZZZZZZZZ.ݺ ԱrLRjZ   ZE9$N0BNCG$ZL<.j9ZZgC7  ޲jZZ__.. _C$3jj jZC&Ej 9EZ  2ZE9jpp2_.񰱰 ݱ_j$gj̲  jޱZZZLZZZEZjjjjȱ j$g25Z  p2E39Z%İ-2rZjZE"ݱQ  3ZZSZZZBZ"ZZ.jMjRTm_j/KZ  9C3ZZZS-.jcZLZα3jL  $$$ZZZL_İ~-ZZZZZZRgKf#E  ̱EZ$0$WWWMMWWMMWW0MMWWWWc3Z9 p5  $ZK2ZHmmmphBk9ZfE  LjZBNZEP%ZEZZj"kT..5  SjEZ9NMNp. ZZݱE$j_C  9޲Z$fZj EB"~jRN  jZEWWWVVWVWVVWVNNVWVVWMpݰ  αޱZp9TTZ"Z"ZTZ"Z"ZZ3ZZ"y  jEENZұ  3ZZZ2  E"jEEZZ$  j_Q3ZZZZZZZZZZEᰰ  jLZ$ZZZEᱰ  αELZEZE2ZZ222339222233323j  $_LZZZZ  jL  jL  ױ  jBB  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~"""" ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- WARNING: BIOS INSUFFICIENTLY BASIC ( #572 ) ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\08176575.188\05344825.893' (965 BYTES) ---- MEMORANDUMS: Filed under CJohnson: 76550293-G A lot of you have been raising concerns about the so-called "dangers" of what we're all doing here. The beancounters told me to tell you that as of today, testing will no longer be as mandatory or as dangerous. That's not gonna happen, and here's the reason: Science isn't about why, it's about why not. You ask: Why is so much of our science dangerous? I say: Why not marry safe science if you love it so much. In fact, why not invent a special safety door that won't hit you in the butt on the way out, because you are fired. Plus, in the event of your death, I personally guarantee that, thanks to the form you were required to sign this morning, your family will not suffer the indignities of a prolonged and costly legal battle against Aperture Science. Trust me, I am rich, and it is a burden I would not wish on anyone. To summarize: 6218376213 wjqehkjh -213&&&^%@5*(*@))@)#*&@ +---+++ ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- WARNING: OUT OF MEMORY BELOW 640KB ( -879 ) ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\05806485.562\07015013.220' (7184 BYTES) ----  . . . :  ....;..... ........ . . . . \  _ .......... ............. ..... 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Any unauthorized access to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public Laws 83-703 and 99-474. SYSTEM DUMP DATA BACK-PRESSURE LOW: ALTERNATE RETRIEVAL PENDING **EMSI_REQA77E  GLaDOS login: backup Password: backup ---- APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS v3.11 ---- -- COPYRIGHT (c) 1973-1997 APERTURE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ---- RECONNECTING TO BACKUP STREAM ---- ---- CONNECTION ESTABLISHED ---- ....  ..-.. ,-.. ,. . 2 ........-...............  ..... /__ .- . -.. ... 2 .......................  ..... ,_.~... ..... . ................ ..  .... %....... .......j ; .................... .. .  ... ;.--- ... ,-..-.............. ...... .. .  .%-.--. .. -.. ..-................. .. .. ..  -.-- ;.- . .-..................... .  ,..... - .-................ .. .. ..  .--;. ./. ; .-..................... .  ,.İ.-. . ;.... -..-............ ..... .. .  - ..... ... .j2.--....................... ... ..  ........ . .. . > .-............. .. . ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- ERROR: PRESS ANY KEY ( #637 ) ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\02099218.347\03659131.810' (5093 BYTES) ----  _____________________________________________________________________________.  j.  j.  j  j  jZE9  j5"ZZRZ .jTBN"   jPj_"P./_j.  jZZRZR9Bjg$f ,-<Mp.-.  jPL2"$ Z_ .ޱL3jjg. _r. _ܱ2.   jMj_B_Z.j j g_j: "L-_g/.  jZ Z_"-$^_jZ jfEL9__Rp  j.sRZ_Z 2ɲF.j$Pj  jZ5ֱP."_ "L3ZE %j .E--Z-N  jP"j BL_P _"7"%_5 'F"$-_$%j ..򰱲2.j~._  jE.. j".M_W_.'-3-jE~L .2"2j .j  jL._j_RZZTT-;~Zy_.... -. _f.j  jLREjRh/-gRȱZF.-_8 3/<-.ı3.򱱱  j .. RZ_7~~j"?Z`fɱ. c_.-_jE". _̱  jV_..N~-"3j pE j%Z z~ҲgαE "~..  jgRjgİcjj 3g"ұk.3 ıZg3. ȱ_j  jj_ .Dj_Z 񱱱 .%jZ_;Z  jjj23_ j˲_KT  j ֱ`jj  jḺ.αVj  j _-.̱P _  jܱZ$FZ j$2  j>L ̱j  jgDz2~L ;  jZ ̱Ḻg_̱ ޱ$.  jj2ױSEj$ jf  jRWRWWWWWWWWWWWWWNZRN3~вRWWWWMWWMWWMWWWWWWWWWWRLWW 3WWWWWWWWWWWWWW  .............. 2~ -. .<_.........................~.. ........   .. .`....... ...             """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- ERROR: NO ERROR DETECTED ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\02010175.163\04544046.237' (4221 BYTES) ----   m_  _"M^m_  __.__^^..."n"z_.  __."`~"g ~..c"."_.  __~j""._._.._-.  ^..__~"_"_. ..  _~..._"TQ&..  ~jc.Bj"__~.  Z....gZ.  ~..-._c.  "__g___~  S.~"  -.p.."".%  j___M_j.j.._0M  WWWWWWM_VM_WWWWWWWWWWM~. _Q-gp_0?"E___V  .gV.j9Wg&XLɼq..."ENmW.&BV.._  "$5qpWLK"Z9pK-.X__VjQ$g_5m50^j0~_jc  Zg__ZkNq.jM___Nq-V.K&5opOW..K&.j&RpW5  g"W"=&p&R"ޱfpZj#f.........-..........  L_MGZgN9qDAZRKh۲g_M.y..........  TRNҼVQpZTM"R.p_pp_Lp_.  nnpLx"..'...9&pjHjHȱ  WR5Y9....."..""  . ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- WARNING: UNDISCOVERED CORRUPTION IN ERROR CORRECTION ( ABEND 143 ) ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\05083881.801\04186850.542' (1751 BYTES) ---- CONFIDENTIAL October 17th, 1976 Re: Human Enrichment & Testing Initiative, Resource Acquisitions 1. "Low Risk" Human Resource Acquisitions a. Hoboes and Tramps Lives spent wandering aimlessly, cowering before authority, and drinking concussive amounts of home-distilled potato alcohol make hoboes the perfect Human Enrichment test subjects. The hobo questions nothing, will follow orders if fed, and, like all hoboes, has a restless, wandering heart. (Note: The wandering heart of the hobo should not be confused with Drifting Heart Syndrome, which several transients contracted during testing.) b. Child Orphans and Foundlings Deep-rooted abandonment issues leave most orphans highly susceptible to shame-based psychology (for a complete list of opportune moments to obliterate the esteem of test subjects, please consult Training Video #89-D, "You'd Perform This Test Better if You Had Parents"). Recent advances in the use of scorn, flattery used in an ironic context and naked contempt as motivational tools have yielded similarly profitable results. c. Psychiatric Patients Past experience shows these fellows are simply not shy at all about carrying on, disrupting tests and defecating just about anywhere that pleases them. Frankly, its off-putting, and small wonder why Aperture-brand mental institutions are being phased out in favor of more orphanages. d. Seniors Frail, brittle hands make holding science devices difficult. Most were born before the advent of science, and can become confused and disoriented when asked to participate in relatively simple tests (teleportation, invisibility, adjusting esteem levels of orphan children). ---- RECORD ENDS ---- -- ERROR: NO ERROR DETECTED ---- BEGIN RECORD 'C:\04907382.298\05948424.111' (8844 BYTES) ----  --İ-İ-jz----%-İj--'"<1?sL?DlSA>6g>~ APERTURE LABORATORIES GLaDOS 3.11 ttyS0 1200 1200 This computer system is for authorized use only. The use of this facility may be monitored for computer security purposes. Any unauthorized access to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public Laws 83-703 and 99-474. SYSTEM DUMP DATA BACK-PRESSURE LOW: ALTERNATE RETRIEVAL PENDING **EMSI_REQA77E  GLaDOS login: