=========================================================== By Jacob H. Nielsen Published 2004-05-16 https://web.archive.org/web/20081011225930/http://pc.boomtown.net:80/en_uk/articles/art.view.php?id=5189 =========================================================== We got to chat with Doug Lombardi about beating the dead horse. It's about Half-Life and Counter-Strike running on the Half-Life 2 engine. Valve announced at this year's E3 that they will release Counter-Strike as well as the original Half-Life using the Half-Life 2 engine: Source which will undoubtedly be well received by nostalgists and fans of the old Half-life and of course everybody playing Counter-Strike today. We got a hold of Doug Lombardi at Vivendi's Half-Life 2 display and he told us about the new versions of Half-Life and Counter-Strike running on the Half-Life 2 engine. ------------------------------ Before the expo began, we had heard some rumours that Half-Life 2 was already finished and that Valve are only using the remaining time to polish the game. We presented this to Doug as well as the original release date, and his answers were positive. ------------------------------ Yes, the game is basically finished. Were currently adjusting some minor elements. We were a little too aggressive with the initial release date and when the theft of the source code was revealed everything went wrong. By the way several persons have been charged in this case, and we're hoping to make an official statement to the press within the next couple of weeks. I really have no further comments on that matter.? --- Rebirth --- ------------------------------ You certainly notice that Valve have had extra time to play the announcement of Counter-Strike and Half-Life running on Source took everyone by surprise. How much time did Valve actually spend on these side projects? ------------------------------ ?Converting the games actually went very fast. We spent about three weeks on it and developed tools in the process that can handle most of the work themselves. Ragdoll-physics and the likes are practically handed to us on a plate by switching to the new system? ------------------------------ And what about mods? If the developers at Unknown Worlds want to convert Natural Selection to Source can they do it without problems? ------------------------------ We're counting on releasing the tools previously mentioned which will enable mod makers to convert their work to the new engine. This is certainly good news, since it basically means that the mod community of Half-Life 2 has the potential to start out big, especially if developers and users alike switch to the new engine. ---What about new stuff? --- ------------------------------ This of course generates a pressing question: will any new material be added to Counter-Strike and Half-Life running on Source? ------------------------------ We haven't added anything new gameplay-wise. both games will retain their original content and gameplay. We will, however, throw in a couple of new maps for Counter-Strike when it is released, but from then on we will just continue with expansions as usual!? ------------------------------ What about Half-Life then? Will models from Half-Life 2 be transferred to the game enabling us to see the G-man in all his glory? It certainly would be cool. ------------------------------ Actually we haven't taken Half-Life as far as Counter-Strike. We've only converted the basic stuff and the majority of material from Half-Life 2 ending up in Half-Life will mostly be invisible. But from then on it's actually up to players themselves if they want to alter the content of the game once it's running on the new engine. If anybody feels like 'upgrading' Half-Life with Half-Life 2 content it's cool with us. --- Great expectations --- ------------------------------ Half-Life is still a great game and with its re-release on Source the experience should only get even better. A lot of people will probably play the game again to get the new and improved experience. The question is: Will this affect the reception of Half-Life 2? It has a lot to live up to indeed! ------------------------------ ?We know that some people have extremely high expectations. It's of course hard to live up to; and projects of this magnitude will always be risky. We do hope we succeed though.? --- It'll be exciting to relive Black Mesa again, this time running on the Source engine with improved physics and graphics. Lombardi finished the interview promising more info about Team Fortress 2 as soon as Half-Life 2 hits retail this summer.