=========================================================== By Gunman Central Published October 6th, 2000 https://web.archive.org/web/20010428202359/http://www.gunmancentral.com/features/interviews/20001006_ilian/ =========================================================== GC: Will it be difficult to make models, skins, and levels and to port them from Half-Life? Ilian: Models, skins, and levels will be easily accomplished. Whether we will release source code for full on mods is a matter that we cannot answer at this time. I have worked with the lead modeler to ensure that custom-made models for half-life will also plug straight into gunman. GC: What about for teamplay? Ilian: Its something we have been looking into. Natalie Portman is always on the minds of all of us at Rewolf. GC: How many multiplayer maps and player models do you plan on including? Ilian: We aren't releasing much multiplayer info right now, so if that's what you want to know about, your just going to have to wait ;) GC: Roughly how much time is spent figuring out the various puzzles? As much as Half-life, more or less? Ilian: Gunman is much more action-arcade oriented than Half-Life. Your guns are bigger, the enemies are tougher, and there are a whole lot more of them blocking your goal. GC: If you were to ever include the ability to drive a Tuna Fish, would it come with headlights? Ilian: Definitely: yes. Although, you will be encouraged during some missions to drive with the headlights off, as to make your tuna more stealthy. GC: How much health will eating a grenade give you? We already know it's a sandwich. Ilian: You can't eat grenades. There ARE edibles in Gunman which give you a good deal of health back. I'll leave them up to you to find them. GC: What kind of difficulties have you had developing Gunman with the team being scattered all over the world? Ilian: At times it was quite difficult, not being able to have designer, programmer, and artist sit down together at the same table and figure out exactly what needs to get done and how. This could be stressful, but thankfully Rewolf is composed of some extremely talented guys and it all seemed to come together. Working over the internet has given us the advantage of having talent from all over the world the chance to create some truly great content. GC: How does it feel to be working with Valve Software? Ilian: I love working with valve. Everyone here is extremely friendly, and I have made several good friends. Its been great being able to leech off their experience with Half-Life to make Gunman a better game. GC: What do you see in the future of game design? Ilian: Story driven games are going to continue to gain importance. Even in the action genre a good story that draws the player into the game is becoming more and more of a requirement. GC: What do you think will be the bigger focus in upcoming years, the technology or the design? Ilian: I think the focus is allready leaning away from technology and more towards design. The video game industry is evolving, much like the movie industry did, away from focusing on the technology and towards focusing on technique, style, and storytelling. This is a good thing. GC: What do you think is the greatest 3d action game of all time? Ilian: Half-Life =) . Although, the only other one I've played all the way through is Duke Nukem. GC: Who do you admire? In the industry and outside of it. Ilian: I've always admired guys like Steve Bond, who kind of came out of nowhere to do something cool (in his case he went from a pizza delivery guy in Florida to the person responsible for the Half-Life AI). Also my brother in law, Sam Heywood, is probably the person I admire most out of anyone, who has a similar story. GC: Is there anything else you would like to add? Ilian: MEOW!