Tons of potentially useful textures are hidden in model folders, this is where I log some interesting ones. Maybe they correlate with textures we're missing? props_borealis: borealis_platform001 - Metal thing, uses that common pattern seen everywhere in the leak. props_c17: cable_01 - Ugly stretched metal texture. I have not seen any metal similar to this though. church_roof - includes part of the 512p version of lost rooftop texture. Could be spliced into something useful. column02a - Split vertically, has part of a useful texture on the right. dormer_comp - Contains part of that old rooftop texture, good for splicing? Metalladder002 - Rusted-to-hll metal texture. Could be useful. metalroof001a - includes alot of the lost rooftop texture, splice asap. roof_comp - Small thumbnails of what could have been. Useful for colors. stonecolumn001a - Vertical stone lines, might be good for something fancy? stonecolumn001b - Variant of above, except lines are not continuous. stonecolumn002a - White marble/stone. Tram_closeup - Big texture, 1024. Could splice a bunch of stuff out. Tram_closeup2 - Same as above, different color pallet. props_wasteland: metal_tram001a - STAY RUSTY! rock_wasteland01a - Grey rock/concrete. shadertest: shader2 - Rocks, has a normal map too! VertexLitSelfIlluminatedTexture - Cool building texture VertexLitTranslucentTexture - Weird-ass bricks lain by a madman. "modern art" window: glasswindow - It's a window. :/