This is where textures are marked down if they seem to have been changed during HL2's development. TONS of WC maps are plagued with out-of-place textures that used to fit at some point, let's track 'em down! -CrazyBubba64 Last updated 11/6/2016 ==================================================================================================================== TEXTURE NAME - FOUND IN ... OPTIONAL COMMENT brick/brickwall009c - aaron/city_test09 Current texture is one large window, original was two smaller windows with a different frame shape. brick/brickwall009d - aaron/city_test09 Current texture is two windows with a curved top, original was two windows with a different frame shape. stone/stonewall008a - aaron/city_test09 Current texture has one window, original had two, and some sort of ledge. stone/stonewall008b - aaron/city_test09 Current texture is a blank wall with horizontal lines, originally assumed to have a window of some sort. stone/stonewall024g - aaron/c17_plaza06 Current texture is a stonewall with a window, CORRECT TEXTURE (for this map at least) is found in: models/props_c17/stonewall024g_comp.vtf