

• targetname (string) - name

• target (string) - name of the object this button should activate

• killtarget (string) - kill target

• delay (integer) - how long to wait before target is activated

• renderfx (integer) - render fx

• rendermode (integer) - render mode (0 - 5)

• renderamt (integer) - fx amount (1 - 255)

• rendercolor (color255) - fx color (rgb value)

• speed (integer) - how fast the button travels when pressed

• netname (string) - path target (overides targeted object)

• health (integer) - if nonzero, button may be activated by shooting it

• lip (integer) - lip remaining at end of move

• master (string) - targetname of multisource entity.

• sounds (integer) - which set of sliding/clicking sound to use

0 = none

1 = big zap and warmup

2 = access denied

3 = access granted

4 = quick combolock

5 = power deadbolt 1

6 = power deadbolt 2

7 = plunger

8 = small zap

9 = keycard sound

10 = buzz

11 = buzz off

14 = lightswitch

• wait (integer) - how long before the button pops back out (-1 = never)

• locked_sound (integer) - locked sound

• unlocked_sound (integer) - unlocked sound

• locked_sentence (integer) - locked sentence

• unlocked_sentence(integer) - unlocked sentence


• don't move (1)

• toggle (32) - sets button mode to toggle (doesn't pop out unless touched, then refires target)

• sparks (64) - makes button spark when in the off position

• touch activates (256) - button can be activated by bumping into it


• sliding button or touchplate used to activate objects in the world

• the locked_sound and locked_sentence will be played only if that button has a multisource master that has not been activated

• the unlocked_sound and unlocked_sentence will only be played when the button is pressed and not locked

unlocked_sound overrides the sounds field

related topics

• none

Overview of func_ entities

Entity Guide Overview