The Map Menu

The Map menu contains a number of functions related to the display of the map, as well as global viewing and manipulation of map contents and properties.

Grid Options
Snap to grid and Show grid are fairly self explanatory. Grid Settings allow you to adjust the size of the grid (although using the [ and ] hotkeys let you do this much quicker.

Go to Brush Number
This brings up the Go To Brush dialog which allows you to go directly to a brush or entity by it's id number. This is handy if you're using compile tools that will report a brush/entity number along with an error (such as Zoner's compile tools). You have the option of searching through all brushes or visible brushes only - this should be set according to how the map was compiled.

Show Information
This brings up the Map Information dialog.

Entity Report
This brings up the Entity Report dialog.

Check for Problems
This brings up the Check for Problems dialog.

Map Properties
This brings up an Entity Properties dialog with the Worldspawn properties. The Worldspawn is an entity that defines the characteristics of the world. This is the only way to modify the Worldspawn properties.

Load and Unload Pointfile
When the compile tools report a leak in your level, you can use these functions to load the leak file directly into the editor's 2D views. For more information about finding and killing leaks, refer to the leak fixing tutorial.

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