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With a little help from....

- TrebTreb          (Site)
- Stadric             (Site)
- Steve Newman (Site)
- Sepulverture
- Zogger
- Boomstick123
- Scoobs
- Avego
- Anders
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- Danial
- Wise
- nudel
- YoMother
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- Raidenator
- Zyx
- Sp00n             (Site)
- Mynameisme
- Chrome
- Bud Doug Lee
- #1 Duck
- Flynn
- #1 Duck
- Lord Ned
- Terrenteller
- Nicadeamas
- Dinonid
- Jamie Lee
- Nero
- Maloof?
- Namelezz!
Important entities referenced in this tutorial.
Click on the entity for more info from the Valve Developer Site.

point_template | npc_metropolice | trigger_once

29. Rappeling Cops

Intermediate tutorials assume some previous experience of working with Hammer. You should know your way around making brushes, texturing placing entities etc. The tutorial will still maintain a step by step approach, and try to explain why things work as they do.

This is a tutorial about rappeling. Cops and combines dropping out of the air to make life difficult for the player. It covers Spawning entities from a point_template.

You need to build a room with a high ceiling. The map I have used for the VMF is quite elaborate with 4 rappelling cops, dropping through glass, with sounds. The VMF will give more info. and the tutorial just covers the basic means of getting cops to drop from above.
  1. Click on the Entity tool select and place an npc_metropolice somewhere high up.

  2. Open the Properties and give him a name

  3. Under the key: 'waiting to rappel' select Yes

  4. Click the Flags tab and make sure Simple cop and Prevent manhack toss and fall to ground are all checked

  5. Click on the Entity tool again Select and place a point_template so it is around the feet of the npc_metropolice entity.

  6. Open the Properties and give the point_template a Name

  7. In Key Template 1 put the name you gave the npc_metropolice

  8. Make a brush, that the player will cross/trigger, with the trigger texture on it, select it, press CTRL+T and make it a trigger-once

  9. Open the Properties

  10. In the Outputs add:

    On trigger

    Name of point_template


  11. Open the Properties of the point_template

  12. In Outputs add:

  13. Compile and run the map

    As I said above, the VMF has 4 cops, an ai_scripted schedule , info_nodes , sounds and breaking glass. Have a look at the VMF to see how these fit together.

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The next tutorial is "30. Helicopter" and can be found here.

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