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With a little help from....

- TrebTreb          (Site)
- Stadric             (Site)
- Steve Newman (Site)
- Sepulverture
- Zogger
- Boomstick123
- Scoobs
- Avego
- Anders
- Andreason
- Bornstein
- Danial
- Wise
- nudel
- YoMother
- Senji
- Gronblad
- Manefesto
- Drax
- Meathead
- Raidenator
- Zyx
- Sp00n             (Site)
- Mynameisme
- Chrome
- Bud Doug Lee
- #1 Duck
- Flynn
- #1 Duck
- Lord Ned
- Terrenteller
- Nicadeamas
- Dinonid
- Jamie Lee
- Nero
- Maloof?
- Namelezz!
Important entities referenced in this tutorial.
Click on the entity for more info from the Valve Developer Site.

npc_helicopter | npc_template_maker | npc_combine_s | path_track | trigger_multiple

68. Soldiers Rappel from a Helicopter

This is a basic tutorial. It assumes you've done the first couple of tutorials on this site, and know the basics of Hammer.

This tutorial shows a way of getting two Combine soldiers to Rappel from a helicopter.

  1. You may already have a map for this, but if not then make a brush about 5000w x 2000d x 2000h, this is sufficient to demonstrate anyway. Hollow it to -16. Texture the inside how you want and put an info_player_start in the middle somewhere.

  2. Click on the Entity tool and select an npc_template_maker. Place it at one end of the map, close to the ground.

  3. Open the Properties and give it a

    Name                 maker
    Start disabled         Yes
    Num of NPC's         1
    Frequency             0
    Max Live NPC's         1
    Name of NPC template

  4. In the Flags tab nothing should be checked.

  5. Click on the Entity tool and select an npc_helicopter. Place it at one end of the map maybe near the npc_template_maker

  6. Open the Properties and give it a:

    Name                 heli
    Target path Track         path0
    Sleep State             Waiting for input
    Initial speed         100

  7. Open the Flags tab, make sure that Gag ,Fall to Ground , Efficient and Template NPC are all checked.

  8. We need to give it a path to follow so Click on the Entity tool and select a Path_track Place it in the middle of the npc_helicopter

  9. Open the Properties and give it a:

    Name         path0
    This is where the helicopter will spawn when the map starts.

  10. Select this path_track and hold down SHIFT and drag it upwards and towards to middle of the map, Name this path1. Repeat this, dragging the third path_track to the other side of the map. Name this path2.

    Obviously you can place as many path_tracks as you want in any sort of configuration, this is just to take the helicopter up, drop it's cargo, and fly off to the other side of the map.

  11. Click on the Entity tool and somewhere near path1 place two npc_combine_s soldiers. Make sure they are facing the way you want them to be when they hit the ground (usually the same direction as the helicopter)

  12. Open the Properties for both and give them a:

    Name                 soldiers
    (You can give them individual names, and they could then rappel individually)
    Sleep State             Waiting for Input
    Waiting to Rappel         Yes
    Weapons, Number of grenades, Model are all up to you.

  13. In the Flags tab make sure Fall to Ground is checked.

  14. To start everything off we need a trigger. In this tutorial we are using a boring Trigger_multiple but this sequence can be set off in any number of ways (Logic_auto; explosion; button or whatever)

  15. So select the Trigger texture in the texture browser, and make a brush that the player will walk through. Press CTRL+T and make it a Trigger_multiple

  16. Open the Properties click on Outputs and Add

    Spawns the helicopter

    Gets the helicopter ready to do something

    Tells the helicopter to go to path track path1 after a delay.

  17. Open the Properties of the path_track path1 Click on Outputs and Add

    Tells a soldier to wake up

    Tells the other one to wake up (If you named them the same then you'll only need one output)

    Tells a soldier to Rappel

    Tells the other soldier to Rappel

    Tells the Helicopter to go to the next Path_track path2 .

  18. Open the Properties of the lastPath_track path2 Click on Outputs and Add

    Takes the helicopter out of the map

  19. Compile and run your map. When the player walks through the trigger, the helicopter will start off towards the path track, drop the two soldiers and continue to the last path track where it will be removed.
    Important to note that you do not have to have the Path_track linked as they are usually, Next stop target etc, as the helicopter movement is all taken care of by the outputs

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The next tutorial is "69. CSS Hostage Rescue Video by Meathead" and can be found here.

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