PC Gamer's Half-Life Preview


Sierra and Valve are ready
to rock with this new action title.

Welcome to our Half-Life screen shot gallery. For our first installment, we've added seven pictures taken from a rolling deathmatch demo, as well two shots of the government troopers.

Half-Life has everything you'd want in a first person shooter: the Quake engine; support for OpenGL Direct3D and MMX; and monsters with a mind-blowing 6,000 polygons, created with Valve's proprietary skeletal animation system. Toss in 16 and 24-bit color and the richest color palette in the 3D bunch, and you've got the computer game equivalent of a summer action movie blockbuster.

We'll be adding more screen shots over the coming weeks, and be sure to check out the October issue for a full-blown preview of the game.


Click on the images for full-size screenshots

In deathmatch, you can spray paint a clan logo anywhere.

You can even tag the ceiling.

Battling with grenades. The blasts leave black scorch marks.

Up close and personal in deathmatch.

The bearded one has fallen.

More deathmatch action.

Another victim.

See the outside area through the window.

Good close-up of a Special Forces trooper.

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