paste special dialog

This menu allows multiple pasting of the clipboard contents with offsets and rotations. This relieves the work in creating something such as a picket fence where you can make one rail, then copy it multiple times with on offset for each new object.

Number of copies to paste

The number of new copies to paste.

Start at center of original

With this in it's default position of on, offsets and rotations are relative to the location and rotation of the original item in the clipboard. With it off, the new objects will be created relative to the center of the two previously selected windows.

Group copies

Turning this on will group all resulting objects together. See Group and Ungroup on the MapOperations toolbar for more information. The default is off.

Offset (accumulative)

The three boxes here allow offset values for X, Y and Z. With each additional paste, the next object will be offset from the previous one by these values which are given in Quake units. The '<' buttons beside each box will automatically insert the current grid settings.

Rotation (accumulative)

These settings work in the same fashion as the Offset values, except that they apply rotation with each successive paste.

Related Topics:

grouping and VisGrouping