Weapon: Multiple Unit Launch Engine (M.U.L.E.)
- LAUNCH WHEN FIRED (simple: Pull trigger,
rocket(s) launch)
- LAUNCH WHEN LOCKED (fires only if the trigger is
down and the crosshairs detect a target)
- FLIGHTPATH GUIDED (rocket follows the laser-dot)
- FLIGHTPATH HOMING (rocket actively seeks
- FLIGHTPATH SPIRAL (2 rockets are launched that
orbit each other in a double-helix path)
- TRIGGER ON IMPACT (simple: If the rocket hits
something, it detonates)
- TRIGGER ON PROXIMITY (if the rocket is near
something, it detonates)
- TRIGGER TIMED (the rocket will bounce off of
surfaces and explode like a grenade)
- TRIGGER WHEN TRIPPED (rockets will stick into
walls and a trip-laser is activated)
- PAYLOAD EXPLOSIVE (standard explosion)
- PAYLOAD CLUSTERBOMB (6 small grenades burst out
and explode)
Ammo: Standardized Rocket
Gunman troops can make use of rockets even if they
do not have the M.U.L.E. or similar launcher

Step 1) Unscrew nose cone in a counterclockwise
direction, and discard.
Step 2) Carefully extract the rocket's core and
Step 3) Discard the rocket engine and casing.
Step 4) Using the red button on the top of the core,
configure the explosives.
- TRIGGER TIMED (once thrown, the core explodes
after 5 seconds)
- TRIGGER WHEN TRIPPED (core is stabbed into any
surface and trip-laser is activated)
- PAYLOAD EXPLOSIVE (standard explosion)
- PAYLOAD CLUSTERBOMB (6 small grenades burst out
and explode)