from www.shugashack.com

Probably the one thing I've seen and heard the most about in Half-Life since day one is Steve Bond's work on the Half-Life AI code. Let me just say, believe the hype.

I'm talking individual tactics, path finding, squad tactics, weapon selection, communication between enemy units, all of it. The most impressive display of AI I have ever seen. EVER.

I wasn't just given a "show" for the AI either. I actually sat down and played with the AI, throughout the game, and in several different training rooms. This is not a "canned" AI that only works in delicate situations, this is true solid AI that will take 3d shooters to the next level.

The AI system is of course node based, but not very heavily dependent upon the nodes. A good example of the AI was shown when I ran into a squad of 3 soldiers, 2 of them open fired, and the 3rd held back behind cover, waited for his 2 buddies to empty their chambers, then popped out from behind wherever he was and open fired to cover his 2 friends while they reloaded.

Keep in mind though, there is no 3D shooter out there with any sort of impressive AI. Don't come screaming Unreal to me either. Yea, nice strafing.

Damn, I forgot to check for air control or not, I'm pretty sure it was in there though since I didnt throw up like I do when I play Q2 v3.18.

From what I can tell, the single player mode might still be interpolated at 10 tics per second, which is acceptable for fighting monsters and using a crowbar on vents and stuff.

Multiplayer however will offer the same control that the latest incarnations of QuakeWorld offers.

Something I enjoyed in Half-Life were the weapons. The shotgun is my favorite by far. You have about 8 or so shots in your chamber which you can fire off at about the speed of the SSG in Quake1. At any time though, you can hit reload and reset your chamber to 8 shells again. The more shells you need, the longer it takes to reload.

Another feature of the weapons in Half-Life is unique crosshairs per weapon. For example one weapon uses a large circle on your screen to help you target, better representing the area of damage that will be inflicted, while another weapon uses a few evenly spaced out points. Of course this is just an option and can be turned off for those of you who just want to point and fire. It's a pretty cool little touch though.

This in my book is a better approach than the ramp-up / ramp-down times used in Q2.

The rocket launcher was also very cool. It doesnt have the feel of any other current games out there, so don't get upset when it isnt like something you are used to. There is an interesting way to actually slightly guide your rockets with a laser tracker even. Also, your teamates can take over control of your rockets if they are sharp enough with the aim.

Something that seemed a bit too prevailant in the weapons though was hit scan weapons. 4 or 5 of them actually. (pistol, shotguns, chaingun style weapons, etc) These weapons are great in single player, but as many higher ping multiplayer lovers know, a hit scan weapon does not give very good visual representation of how/why you are missing a target due to lag.

Something like the HyperBlaster from Q2 (without those horrible ramp times) or the SNG from Quake1 instead of 1 or 2 of those hit scan weapons would be a welcome addition.

I'm Goin' Nuts! MORE! --->

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