3D view options

Hardware Acceleration

This will enable Worldcraft to use hardware acceleration. Worldcraft uses Direct3D acceleration.

Reverse mouse Y axis

This option only affects movement within the 3D window. When it is enabled, the Y axis is reversed, resulting in the aircraft style movement (forward to look down, backward to look up).

Back clipping plane

This enables you to drastically improve your performance in the 3D view. Normally it is set at 5000 which basically will draw as far back as the level goes (like Quake without Vis information). Setting this to a lower number will clip off the back portion (which is usually not visible anyway) and should noticeably speed up the 3D view. The lowest value for this is 500, which is fine if you're doing a walk through of an area of the level.

Related Topics:

general options

2D view options

textures options

game configuration options

build programs options