game configurations options

The Game Configurations dialog allows you to setup game profiles, each of which contain a number of modifiable elements, including texture format, map format, entity file and defaults, and location information. It is extremely important that the information you enter here is correct, as Worldcraft may behave quite unpredictably otherwise.


Allows you to pick one of the game profiles (Quake, Quake II, Hexen II, and Half-life at the moment). You can click on the edit button to add, remove, and copy the game profiles.

Game Data Files

You can specify here which data file Worldcraft will use for entity support for this game profile. You have the options of adding, removing, or editing the game file.

Texture Format

You can specify here what texture format will be used with the current game profile. Currently support are WAD2 format (which Quake and Hexen II support), WAL/PAK format (Which Quake II uses), and WAD3 format (Half-life).

Map Type

You can choose the current profile's .MAP format here. Currently you can choose from Quake, Quake II, Hexen II, and Half-life.

Default PointEntity class

This allows you to specify which point based entity is the default when you first start a map.

Default SolidEntity class

This allows you to specify the default solid based entity.

Game Directory

You can specify the game directory here (for use in the expert compile mode as $gamedir). This is the directory that contains the game executable.

RMF Directory

You can specify the default map directory here. This is the directory where the maps will be saved, not where they will be compiled.

Palette File

You can specify the palette location here. If you were working on a project with a modified palette, you would specify that palette here.

Related Topics:

general options

2D view options

3D view options

textures options

build programs options